Wednesday, October 13, 2010
5 Song Shuffle Vol. 12
My iTunes library, as of October 13, 2010, has 20,784 songs in it. Some are novelty downloads, some i have because i'm a completionist, some i rarely (if have ever) listened to. So, in this new blog segment, i will let shuffle pick out random songs (without personal editing to hide embarrasing and/or lame songs), and i will write about what i think of them, plus any details i an give about how it was procured. At current rate (and if my iTunes never repeats a song...) this will be the twelfth in at least a 4,000 part series.
Song #1 - "Calvary Scars II/Aux. Out" - Deerhunter
From their Weird Era Cont. record, this is 10 minutes of trippy. Not entirely unpleasant, but not really a lot to write about. I'll sort of "live-blog" this.
:57 - Heavy affected vocals sound nice.
2:23 - Picking up a little, there are now drums.
3:27 - Starting to lose interest
4:22 - Tempo change! I'm back in!
6:19 - Ok, this is losing me again.
7:45 - Breakdown to a slow, keyboards heavy section - sounds like Space Mountain music.
8:57 - Shouldn't a just-post-Saved By the Bell Mario Lopez be telling me to get ready for my trip already?
9:51 - Glad this is almost over.
10:04 - Weird sound effects close it out.
Song #2 - "Sweethearts" - Camper Van Beethoven
Just recently picked up Key Lime Pie for the first time in an used record store. I'm pretty happy with the record so far, but i find it a little stream-lined for my tastes. I prefer the more all-over-the-place nature of their indie records. I wish i had more to say about this song...
Song #3 - "Papa Gene's Blues" - The Monkees
I recently re-bought the first record i ever owned - The Best of the Monkees - and just about every single song is a winner. This one is a grade A country-rock jam courtesy of (i think) Mike Nesmith (i was right, i fact-checked myself). Less than 2 minutes, but just as long as it needs to be. People need to really re-evaluate the Monkees - yes, they were pre-fab and yes, they were mainly an excuse to sell commercial time on television, but they have 2 dozen or so killer songs, and that's more than i can say for most bands.
Song #4 - "Candyman" - The Grateful Dead
I bought this on eMusic simply to try and get to know what my buddy John knows that i don't about the Dead. This record has a handful of nice songs, this being one of them. The Dead might be the most overrated and underrated band of all time; underrated by everyone who dismisses them as hippie burn out shit, and overrated by hippie burn outs everywhere. This reminds me of Sweetheart of the Rodeo-era Byrds with worse harmonies and longer guitar solos. From American Beauty.
Song #5 - "Jump and Shout Vol. 1" - T.B. & the Germs
Not the Pat Smear/Darby Crash Germs, but an R&B band from the '60s. I've talked about this compilation, Jump and Shout, before on the blog - this isn't one of my favorites from the comp, mainly because this is a poor recording, but the energy is infectious and there isn't much else to say.
'Til next time,
PS - Congrats Texas on making the ALCS - beat them Bronx Bombers!
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Episode 9: Fun Size
#1 of 4 October episodes,this week Brian talks dogs, Antarctica, and Pompton Lakes.
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5 Song Shuffle Vol. 11 (New Glasses and Crazy Hair Edition)
My iTunes library, as of October 7, 2010, has 20,758 songs in it. Some are novelty downloads, some i have because i'm a completionist, some i rarely (if have ever) listened to. So, in this new blog segment, i will let shuffle pick out random songs (without personal editing to hide embarrasing and/or lame songs), and i will write about what i think of them, plus any details i an give about how it was procured. At current rate (and if my iTunes never repeats a song...) this will be the eleventh in at least a 4,000 part series.
Song #1 - "Last Rites" - kNIFE & fORK
No, i didn't hit the "caps lock" button on my keyboard, this is how Eric Drew Feldman's band spells their name. A really spooky, atmospheric, wonderful album is, so far, all we have from this band, but EDF told me at a recent Pixies show that he finished the second album recently. I hope we hear it soon. This one is called Miserycord, and is a perfect rainy day drinking coffee or a late night drinking whiskey type of record. Beautiful vocals from Laurie Hall on the record - i wasn't personally familiar with Laurie before k&f, but her old band has a great, bizarre name: Ovarian Trolley! Trust me, track down this record. Probably still available on (it is - and eMusic).
Song #2 - "Horrible Party" - Essential Logic
I reviewed this album for a website i was working on in college (or at least i was supposed to...) - this is a band that formed out of X-Ray Spex and features lots of cool saxophone in a punk way - similar, in saxophoniness to something like James Chance, but less Motown. I really adore most of disc 1 of this album, a compilation called Fanfare in the Garden, and this track is especially cool.
Song #3 - "Laura's Theme #5 (You Trust Me Now)" - Nathan Johnson
20 second interstitial piece from the Brick soundtrack. SOOO GOOD (both the movie and the soundtrack). Bought this at Amoeba Music in Los Angeles just minutes after seeing the film with my buddy Scott at the Arclight down the street.
Song #4 - "Walcott" - Vampire Weekend
Hipster backlash be damned, this is a really good band. And this is probably my favorite song from their first album, shockingly titled Vampire Weekend. My buddy Geoff Goodwin recently offered me a ticket to see these guys at Carnegie Hall, and i'm really glad i went. I was a bit bummed that they were playing to a backing track for some of the tracks that involved more instrumentation than they had on stage. To me, that is a great time to fuck with the arrangements and do something unique. So, that part felt like a cop-out to me, but aside from that, they played every single song i wanted to hear and did a really nice job with them. They closed the show with this one. If you haven't heard this band, where the fuck do you live? Got this via Amazon i think...
Song #5 - "Too Many People" - Paul and Linda McCartney
McCartney's most vehemently anti-Lennon song (characterized visually on the Ram back cover by a beetle screwing another beetle doggy [or beetle?] style) - "That was your big mistake/you took your lucky break and broke it in two." Not nearly as mean as Lennon's "How Do You Sleep?," and probably just a better song too. I love Ram like i love Twinkies, and i love McCartney even more. Those two, along with Lennon's Plastic Ono Band and Harrison's All Things Must Pass all came out within the same 13 month period, and they're all fucking epic. Better than anything any of them would ever do again. The Beatles are dead, long live the Beatles.
'Til next time,
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
5 Song Shuffle Vol. 10
My iTunes library, as of October 6, 2010, has 20,723 songs in it. Some are novelty downloads, some i have because i'm a completionist, some i rarely (if have ever) listened to. So, in this new blog segment, i will let shuffle pick out random songs (without personal editing to hide embarrasing and/or lame songs), and i will write about what i think of them, plus any details i an give about how it was procured. At current rate (and if my iTunes never repeats a song...) this will be the tenth in at least a 4,000 part series.
Song #1 - "Crime News" - John Mulaney
Not really a song, but a minute or so of funny stand up from New York's John Mulaney's very worthwhile album The Top Part.
Song #2 - "Discipline" - Nine Inch Nails
Funny, i was just listening to The Fragile at work today, and here we are with another track from The Slip. This has a disco-y beat with some nice distorted guitar or keyboard on top of it. The fact that i'm not entirely certain is one of my favorite things about NIN; their samples never sound like samples, their guitars never quite sound like guitars, etc. Some nice vocals here by Mr. Reznor, as well - NIN are really way more of a dance band than people give them credit for - in the right situation, this could light up a dance floor.
Song #3 - "Tombstone Blues" - Richie Havens
Ah, iTunes, there you go again, playing another song from another album that has already been featured on 5 Song Shuffle. Richie Havens captures this Dylan song's atmosphere perfectly except that he seems totally in control here, where as in Dylan's original the song sounds like a train that's about to go off the tracks - Havens is seemingly a better conductor. This song has some of my favorite Dylan lyrics like, "The sun's not yellow; it's chicken." One of the better tracks from the I'm Not There soundtrack.
Song #4 -"Hear You Me" - Jimmy Eat World
I still tease my friend Dan about how whenever i'd see him for about 3 months in the summer of 2001, he'd start the conversation with "Have you heard the new Jimmy Eat World album? It's fucking awesome!" Well, he was right. I could take or leave anything they did before or since Bleed American, but i really do love this album. It's a really nice mix of uptempo songs and a few ballads like this one, which actually might be my least favorite song on the album, but that isn't saying too much. A very solid recording, but this is no "If You Don't, Don't."
Song #5 - "Sathington Willoby" - Primus
25 seconds of acoustic guitar and weird vocals from the best album Primus album, Frizzle Fry.
Let's go Texas Rangers,
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Check it out...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
5 Song Shuffle Vol. 9
My iTunes library, as of October 2, 2010, has 20,723 songs in it. Some are novelty downloads, some i have because i'm a completionist, some i rarely (if have ever) listened to. So, in this new blog segment, i will let shuffle pick out random songs (without personal editing to hide embarrasing and/or lame songs), and i will write about what i think of them, plus any details i an give about how it was procured. At current rate (and if my iTunes never repeats a song...) this will be the ninth in at least a 4,000 part series.
Song #1 - "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" - Ramblin' Jack Elliot
This is from the soundtrack to I'm Not There, a movie i liked a lot, but a soundtrack that i find pretty disappointing. I was expecting more creative reinterpretations of the songs in the film, since the film itself reinterprets Dylan's life in such dramatic ways - however, most of the tracks are just blah - Rambllin' Jack does his best with this, but nothing about his version makes me not wish it was Dylan's version playing. Nice playing and all, just nothing special.
Song #2 - "Roadrunner" - Backbeat Band
Second track from the Backbeat soundtrack to get shuffled in here. I forget who's singing lead on this - maybe Mike Mills? (sound of Brian internetting) Yes, it is Mike Mills. One of my least favorite tracks from this album, but still lots of fun. You can almost hear Thurston Moore's weirdo-greatness trying to leak out the sides of his playing on these tracks. Also, why are a lot of '50s/early '60s rock songs roundabout stories about beating women?
Song #3 - "Marie Provost" - Nick Lowe
From the AMAZING reissue of Jesus of Cool that i got on eMusic in 2008. This album is so crazily ahead of its time and well written. I really should check out more of Lowe's stuff, but i really only know this album, his work with Elvis Costello and "Cruel to be Kind," one of the great pop songs of all time. This album drips intelligence and sarcasm and melody. Can't recommend this album highly enough.
Song #4 - "The Diaper" - Louis CK
Not a song per se, but a great bit of comedy about changing a diaper. Louis is the Elvis of comedy - let's hope he doesn't die on a toilet. From Chewed Up.
Song #5 - "Hats Off to Marriage, Baby" - the Wrens
From their album Seacaucus which, to be fair, i've never given much thought to. The Meadowlands is so different (and so amazing) that i've never looked back on their stuff with any real attention. I should - this song is fun. If you don't own The Meadowlands you probably have bad taste in everything. Why are we even friends? How many years must i rave about that album before you listen? Nice middle section of this song - maybe this song will be on my "Stuff to Listen to This Week" list this week. Yeah, i'm digging it.
'Til next time,
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8